Monday, September 12, 2011


If somebody asked me, "What is at the core of your teaching approach?", I would have to say "teaching people how to breathe." Some people have simply lost flexibility and strength in their breathing structures and musculature. Some, out of ignorance or incorrect information, impose an artificial and usually labored secondary breathing pattern over the organic one. Some seek to control their breathing. Some manipulate their breathing for an effect. Some hold their breath, when they are thinking or emotional or editing their speech. And some have adopted compensatory breathing patterns because of allergies or asthma.

Believe it or not, one of the most important influencers on breathing is body balance.
If a person's body balance is off of their skeletal structure, then the breathing structures in the core of the body cannot function properly. Body balance is posture in a sense, but the word posture has come to connotate something rigid, whereas body balance has to be something flexible and fluid. Just in normal breathing, our bodies make dozens of micro-movement adjustments to our balance. Try standing on a non-solid surface, such as a trampoline, a piece of foam or a mattress and notice the changes in your balance as you breathe.

Singing is based on breathing - we are a wind instrument, essentially. The most frequent thank-you comment I get is: "Thanks for teaching me how to breathe."

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