Saturday, February 26, 2011

2/26/2011 Vocalizing

My studio accompanist asked the other day about vocal warm-ups for singers.  What were good ones, etc.  We got into a discussion about what vocal warm-ups were for, as there are many warm-up systems available out in the market.  I often use vocal warm-ups in a lesson as an opportunity to teach a concept on a simpler structure than a song phrase, but that's not what a singer is looking for when they want to prepare for a coaching or performance or rehearsal.
Three things need to happen during a warm up session: 1) The body needs to come into balance from whatever previous activities it might have been involved in (sitting at the computer, travelling in a plane, etc.) 2) The breath needs to move from every day breathing into a longer inhale/exhale pattern, which can take several minutes  3) The areas of the singing range that are not part of the speaking range need to find their resonance, especially high range for low voices and low range for high voices.
Sooo, the best warm-ups are the ones that the singer devises for her/himself, that they can do without any accompaniment.  My favorites as a singer?  Lip buzzes, octave glides on various vowels, staccati, ascending and descending 3rds.

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